Brushed DC Motors and How to Drive Them detalis.

DC electric motors have been around for nearly two hundred years, with a steady series of refinements in that time. More recently, brushless DC motors have become increasingly popular but for many applications brushed DC motors are still the right choice. Brushed motors are lower cost and are simpler to drive, so they remain a popular option. In this article, we’ll explain the basics of brushed DC motors, and then look at the circuitry required to drive them. We’ll also introduce brushless DC motors and their pros and cons. Brushed DC Motor Basics Going back to basics, the fundamental principle of an electric motor is, of course, that it converts electricity into motion. It does this through the interaction between magnets, one of which is typically created by passing a current through wire bound around a ferrite core. The current flowing through the wire generates the second magnetic field. This interacts with the primary magnetic field to create an opposing force that moves one...

2019 .How to get prepared for Indian army,in 1 months .

    Do  you  want to get job in Indian army with one month preparation ?
     Yes, it is possible.
Follow this routine our make you own ruation which contain all this activity.
  What is physical requirements.
       Male recruits ages 22 to 26 have to complete a minimum of 31 push-ups, 43 sit-ups and a two-mile run in 17 minutes and 30 seconds or less. Women recruits ages 17 to 21 must be able to do 13 push-ups and 47 sit-ups, and post a time of no more than 19 minutes and 42 seconds on the two-mile run.
  1 You have to do daily push-ups in morning to attain that label of 31 push-ups .
   2 also the most important things is running without qualifying run you can't get entry you have to run daily .
                             If you run continually for 1 month you will definitely touch 2 mile in 17 and half minute .  

 3 and yes dite . Please don't prefer any chemical energy drink you can full fill your energy requirements with home remedies.
           a for chest you have to take daily 2 Pease of banana you chest will definitely gain area .
           b for your hight is it is not much less than it can be attain but if it is more lass than 1 inch than it can't na attain so for attaining yous hight you have to do running and hanging daily.

         C take 2 boiled eggs not cooked  so your body can get required amount of protein for your daily ruation.
          a    please don't eat  to much rise it will gain your wait and will reduce your energy level ..
          b.    Also avoid eating Jung food fried food deep fried food .
          C avoid sleeping more than 7 hours it will make you lazy.
 And yes you also have to do little study for paper exam .
   Here they are the people in Bihar preparing for Indian army daily every morning on words 
  They are the successful candidate in Indian army and getting prepared to other .

They are doing this all things daily to get job in Indian army .
Are you ready to do so .
If yes, comment "yes in can and I will be able to get in Indian army"
For any other information on other topic commend me I will answer you commend.


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