Yes it is possible for every people who wants to have their stomach flat with some apps, yes you can also have it.
First make sure you will be regular doing this things for both male and female if you cant do please press back to your home page but if you do go forward.
Its a simple task and every one wants it but due to their daily routin he or she cant go for it,
Dut you can do this wothout chainging your routin.
Are you eating this types of oiley food even only one time in a day then also you have to avoid it defineatly .
If you things by eating this things and by doing exercise you can have your flat stomach, you cant have this .
Because by eating this types of food and fat you gain on your body is high reather having fat from simple food so if you cant loos fat more than you take every day you cant decrease your stomach.
You are smart enough in this matchmatics .
So make sure take that much caleary only so that you can loos more than you took on that day.
If you want my dite plane so here we go.
Because more than 70% depend on the food habits of you daily dite.
Your breakfast:
Oats and two boiled eggs.
Your lunch:
A portion of brown rice with green vegetables.
Your dinner:
I vouch on green vegetables. Some of them are broccoli, capsicum and french beans)
Low-calorie recipes I swear by:
Brown rice mixed with scrambled egg whites and vegetables. I also have quinoa with vegetables.
Here we go for workout for stomach.
Really only for workout you have to do for your flat stomach.
Jump cotinuously on flore as much as you can do strach your body so your body get ready for next 3 important exercise.
This is a most effective exercise for you it looks simple only by watching you will think that you can do this exercise for half hour also but you cant do it for 5 minuts.
Here we go you have to keep you leas on flore up side down and you hand is also must be on flore with 90 degree angle with your that you stomach dody fats get durn due to your body waight.
Rest of this 2 exercise.
Follow the following steps on figure make sure if you do this all 4 exercise even 2 day regular you stomach will get strong pain .
But after 2 or 3 days it will be not paning but it will be effective reasult .
Do at list 1 weak and see the reasulys.
Thanks for reading comment if its motivate you list 1 % also.
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